Heiner Cuhls - Germany overview 2017-2018

This is a summary of a presentation during the 3rd International Biomeiler Conference in Leipzig in 2018.

We have build 11 biomeilers in Wittenberg, as a symbolic paradise garden in honour of the anniversary of Luther.

This caused the start of the collaboration between the German Biomasse Forshungscentrum and the University of Dresden. From this came also the current project in Leipzig, which we will visit on Sunday.

Last weekend Heiner was also at the International Compost Conference in Switzerland. From what he saw happening here and the currently rising demand for compost products in Germany, he would like to see the biomeiler research go into the direction of high quality compost.

This presentation has been transcribed and summarised by Arie van Ziel, please contact me if you'd like to extend on the text or edit something.